Its grower's roots are in Texas, too.
Top Notch Tree Farm is operated by sixth generation Texans, and the
ranchland we grow on has been in our family for more than 100 years.
We're members of the Southeast Texas Nursery Growers' Association
and the Texas Nursery & Landscape Association. With the great water
supply we enjoy, and plenty of room to grow, we plan to keep supplying
you with trees for years to come.
© Copyright 2011. Top Notch Tree Farm, LLC. All Rights Reserved
Texas Nursery & Landscape Association
Southeast Texas Nursery Growers Association
It has better root ball development.
This in turn means more reliable and
successful transplants. That's why 100%
of our trees are container-grown, using #1
liners grown in root modifying pots -
factors that give each tree a vigorous root
system. We also use a Pot-in-Pot
growing system for all 15 and 25 gallon
containers, because the temperature in
the pot varies less than pots above
ground, and water, fertilizer and the
growing media can be controlled better.
We do extensive root ball pruning each
time we bump up a tree so that we do not
have the circling girdling problems that
plague so many other container-grown
We are also very careful to make sure
that the root flair is at or above ground
Doing all these things helps our trees to
have a denser fibrous root system.
It comes in exactly the size you want.
It's no accident that we grow our trees in the sizes that you request most.
You'll find Top Notch Trees in 15, 25, 45, 65, 100 and 200 gallon
containers. This range assures you of the versatility of placement and
precision of scale that your project requires.
It's totally at home in the Texas countryside.
Every Top Notch Tree is a long
tall Texan, raised on our own
land holdings just west of Sealy,
Texas on I-10 (with our farm
entrance about 2 miles north of
I-10 on FM 2187). This location
makes our trees easy to
transport to your site, since
we're just 57 miles to Houston,
116 miles to Austin, 148 miles to
San Antonio.
We understand the importance
of seed sources. All our liners
come from southern seed
sources west of Interstate 45.
Additionally, we tag every tree so
that we can tell you when we
bought the liner and who from.
It has a fuller canopy.
So it looks better right from the start.
The reason? We use wider spacing to
grow our trees: 6 ft. on 15's, 8 ft. on 25's,
10 ft. on 45's, 12 ft. on 65's. The results
are beautiful to see: better canopy,
better branching development and thicker
trunk caliper.
Additionally, we use Best Management
Practices in pruning the canopy so that
we have a strong straight central leader,
no co-dominate branching and a high
quality crown.
It understands Texas hospitality - so consider
yourself invited.
We'd love to have you visit the farm in person (Top Notch Trees love to
show off on their home turf). Simply call or email to let us know when you'd
like to come. We'll arrange to give you a full tour, discuss all your tree
needs, and even let you pick out the specific trees you want for your
current project.